Why Use frequency specific microcurrent therapy?

microcurrent therapy is a technique for treating pain that uses low-level electrical current. The current is delivered to certain parts of the body in an attempt to relieve the pain.

Frequencies have a direct effect on our bodies and can almost instantaneously change the chemistry. For example, there are frequencies clinically proven to reduce inflammation and others that improve circulation. It’s like writing a computer program for our bodies to heal. There are 100’s of frequencies that we use to reduce inflammation and pain. An initial consultation with Taisha Gonzalez, L.Ac. is required to find out if you are a candidate for Microcurrent Therapy. If you are determined to be a candidate, we can perform your first procedure the same day.

What to expect with microcurrent therapy

Quick & Painless

Acupuncture is quick and painless. You are in and out of the office in 30-40 minutes.

Treatment Course

The number of procedures you will need will vary based on your specific condition, the amount of time you’ve had it, etc.


The Process

The process is repeated 2-4 times a week until maximum improvement is seen. A maintenance regimen is often prescribed to prevent recurrence. Maintenance may be as little as 1-2 times per month.

Absence of Symptoms

Microcurrent Therapy treatment can and often results in a complete absence of or control of symptoms, even in severe conditions that have been present for years.


There are frequencies clinically proven to reduce inflammation and others that improve circulation.


Conditions We Treat with frequency specific microcurrent



Kidney Stones


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Disc Injuries


Diabetic Neuropathy

Neuromas (overgrowth and scarring to a nerve after an injury)

Tendinopathy (inflammation and/or swelling of the tendon)

Acute (sudden) And Chronic (long-term) Musculoskeletal Injuries

Acute And Chronic Neuropathic (nerve) Pain



Ulcerative Colitis

Gastritis and Hyperacidity

Spastic Colon



And Much More

Common Questions About ATP Resonance BioTherapy™

+ How does Microcurrent Therapy work?

It is applied to the body with a device that delivers a mild current. Microcurrent is an extremely mild electrical current (one millionth of an ampere). Depending on the tissue involved, specific frequencies are selected to encourage natural healing of the body and to reduce pain.

+ Is Microcurrent Therapy painful?

Treatment with Microcurrent is non-invasive and painless. The currents used are so low that the patient often does not feel them. During the procedure, patients may notice certain effects, including warmth and a softening of affected tissues.

+ Is Microcurrent covered by insurance?

Insurance companies only like to cover treatments that don’t actually fix the problem. So we’re out of network for all insurance. The good news is, that you are the one in charge of what procedures you get, not an insurance company. And acupuncture treatment is very affordable.

microcurrent therapy is just one of our offerings

Our acupuncturist, Taisha Gonzalez, will meet with you and evaluate your specific needs to determine if you are a candidate for our services. Then, if you are a good candidate for our clinic, she will formulate a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. The majority of the time, her treatment plans draw from all of our services to give you the best comprehensive care, so you can get the results you desire in the most expeditious method.

are you ready to GET START Living pain free?

Call Us at (914)222-5644

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